Saturday, July 23, 2016

MV Kalakala - Forgotten Prom Art Deco

In 1926, the US created two large passenger ferries - Peralta and Yerba Buena. The first was a few years later destroyed by fire and then rebuilt as a completely different entity. Named MV Kalakala, distinguished by an unusual appearance in the Art Deco style. Over the years, he was the pride of Seattle, but unfortunately did not survive the test of time and forgotten, was scrapped in 2015.

The history of the ferry began in 1926, when it launched the ferry Peralta, having operated the route between San Francisco and Oakland, California. It was a typical passenger ferry, distinguished only its large size (84 m long) and so. mirror design - stern and bow looked almost identical. The cost of construction was up 900 $ 000 (today about 12.1 million dollars).

From the very beginning of the ferry service proceeded with problems. There has been a number of incidents and accidents involving damage to undergo not only the ferry, but other units and the waterfront. February 17, 1928, during the approach to the wharf there was a most tragic accident in the history of the ferry. Due to load bow passengers watching the mooring, a large wave that struck the ferry caused panic on board. The passengers began to flee and trample each other a few people fell into the water. Finally killed 5 people. As a result of the investigation it was found that there was an accident and not charged to the crew or the owner's fault.

May 3, 1933 there was a further incident, which ended the existence of Peralta. In offices Key System, the ferry owner, a fire quickly moved to the ferry docked. The fire completely destroyed the entire superstructure up to the water line. The losses were so great that the owner recognized the individual as lost. The investigation showed that the fire was arson.

What was left of Peralta towed to the shipyard Moore Dry Dock, where the ferry was built. Then the unit became interested in the company of Puget Sound Navigation Company, also known as the Black Ball Line, operating the ferry in Seattle. Alexander Peabody, one of the main captains owner came up with the idea of ​​designing a new unit for the flagship carrier, which would stand out against the background of other modern look. Burnt hull Peralta ideally suited to this.

MV Kalakala

Shortly after being transported to the yard, the Black Ball Line bought the wreck with the intention of rebuilding on the ferry futuristic Art Deco style. The new draft prepared superstructure Louis Proctor, a Boeing engineer, making some design elements ferry looked like a plane. The reconstruction was carried out in the Lake Washington Shipyard at Houghton, Washington.

During the works installed a new engine - Busch-Sulzer diesel with a capacity of 3000 hp, so that the ferry can accelerate 17,5 node. The entire superstructure with the exception of the bridge is made of welded steel plates. It is worth noting that during the work on the ferry was first used on a large scale technique of arc welding. The bridge is made of copper instead, because it was feared that the use of such a large amount of metal parts may affect the performance of the compass.

The ferry was named Kalakala, which in the language of the Indians living in the area once means "bird". As a result of the reconstruction unit was transformed into a ferry-passenger car with a displacement of 1,475 tons. The interiors are decorated luxuriously, but in the Art Deco style, which held metal everywhere.

In its first cruise ferry he went 3 July 1935 year making a furore among the people who came to see the ceremony. In subsequent years Kalakala operate the route between Seattle and the surrounding villages, attracting crowds of passengers. After the outbreak of World War II, the ferry received a new task - he had transported shipyard workers in the Bremerton and Seattle.

In the course of this service unit has been significantly worn, and because of the many acts of vandalism, interior space shuttle lost their former glory. Nevertheless, after the war Kalakalę repaired and returned to service, although battered ferry began to remind her age. In the mid-50s Kalakala has become obsolete as the car deck was too small to accommodate the new, much larger cars, and operating costs were higher than in the case of ferries Evergreen State, which began to come into operation in the waters of Puget Sound.

To extend the life of futuristic space shuttle, in the years 1955-1959 was moved to Port Angeles route - Vitoria, which fit better than new units, due to the closed design of the superstructure. Unfortunately, the aging ferry began to make more and more problems. Again highlighted the vibrations caused by poor distribution engine (this was a problem from the beginning, but it was only in the 50s vibration severity began to be clearly felt). In 1967, the ferry was so finally withdrawn from service.

Sad end of the pride of Seattle

Once the pride of Seattle, ferry MV Kalakala after decommissioning was towed to Alaska, where he turned it in ... in the factory. Its interior stripped of equipment, and placed them in machines for the production of canned fish. In 1970, the ferry was placed on the edge of the village of Ouzinkie, where it has been used in shrimp processing industry. After a few years ferry deserted and left to their fate.
In the 80s the damaged unit found Peter Bevis, who decided to bring it to Seattle and renovate. After a dozen years of legal battle, he was able to go too far rusted wreck to Seattle in 1998. Unfortunately, the ambitious plans for the reconstruction of the ferry did not work out. Several times changed the owner of the ferry and each time promised that the unit will be rebuilt.

Unfortunately, in 2011, the Kalak deteriorated so much that the Coast Guard found the unit to be unsafe and unfit for use. They ordered so its scrapping. Steve Rodrigues, who bought the wreck a few years ago tried to save the ferry, but in November 2012. lost the battle in court and had to pass the disintegrating ship Karl Anderson, owner of the berth at the ferry dock.

MV Kalakala during scrapping
January 4, 2015, Karl Anderson gave the media information that the Kalakala will be scrapped. Work began on January 22 in Tacoma and was completed in early February. Now, after the ferry left a number of structural elements, which were sold at auction. Thus ended the long history of futuristic space shuttle.

MV Kalakala - Forgotten Prom Art Deco Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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